torsdag den 24. september 2009

Autum is here

Well, "finally" it seems that autum has come to our little part of the world again and gone is the days of sitting outside in the warm glow of the sun enjoying a nice cold one.

As you will know my summer has been blessed with a quite substantial amount of great moment - all in no way related to poker.

Firstly, I had the great pleasure of being married to the most beautifull woman in the world.

Secondly, summer is a period for my new found joy in golf.

Thirdly, the rest of the days were spend buried in work.

So all in all - not many spare minuts to play my most favorite sport.

However, shorter and colder days means more time indors and more time to spend at the tables. I am at the moment trying to plan for the tournaments I want to try to qualify for and will keep you posted on the progess.

I still have my goal set in being a winning player on all the networks I play, and I am slowly but surely (jinx) trying to dig myself out of one of the biggest holes - I will shortly show my progres in that respect.

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