onsdag den 2. december 2009

More FTs and a MTT win

Well, I can't complain about my recent run at MTTs.

Yesterday I participated in Pokernyhedernes €3 tour with 6 seats to the weekly final on Sunday (where I last week finished 4th) .

Well, I got to the table at the first break - only blinded down from 2000 chips to app. 1500. Over the course of 3 hands I manage to climb to the top spot with 9500 chips - well, got a little help from KK and AA (last one 3 way AI - and they held up).

Then cruised to the FT until I ended up HU after I managed to convince myself that 22 was a great calling hand - not the best play - but as it went - it held up against A10off. Started HU with a significant chip disadvantage and got lucky more than once. Climbed back to even and then we ended AI when my 66 hit a 6 on the board - and then my first victory in some time in a MTT was sealed.

onsdag den 25. november 2009

Finals up-date

Well, sometimes you just need to whine a bit before the poker gods hear you (well almost).

As I wrote the other day, today Wednesday was dedicated to Qual Finals with to very nice prices. One with a spot on Team Ace VIII and the other a trip to Paradise Poker Tour (PPT) in London. I did well in both of them - finishing 3rd and 5th - so even though I didn't get a prize I was happy about my patience during the games.

Did som questionable plays that I have to go through and correct - I am working on my leaks - but overall it went well.

I also got to participate in a $15.000 freeroll and I finished in the top 100 which is always good in these big tourneys.

I have also qualified for a new PPT final on Sunday - so I hope that this will be the time that I get my hands on the trip :)

During the last couple of session I have done some experimental cash game playing at some NL100 tables and it has gone remarkably well - I am up over 2 buyins. Obvious I need to adjust a lot - played a hand where I flopped the nuts really bad - but my mindset was in the tours and that cost me a lot of dividend on the hand.

But I will hopefully learn.

mandag den 23. november 2009

Team Ace up-date and more

Well, its time for al little update on the blog.

I hope thatyou all are having fun a the tables, because somewhere my fun is having fun, and it's not with me at the moment. I ahve cut down considerable on my playing but I do make time for the occasional tours with extra value.

Not that its going that great.

I am in the middle of a period where my big hands (and the experimental as well) simply can't hold up. I know that I should be glad for that, since I am entering the pots as the favorite more the 8 out of 10 times. But it seems like that when I am playing for my tour life the cards don't fall my way.

I hope that the poker gods will give me some slack in the last month of the year.

I don't want to have a loosing year :-)

However - even though the poker gods need to smile at me, I have qualified for to finals on Wednesday, both the Team Ace joker and a final for Paradise pokers new London Live Tour.

I will keep you all up-dated on my progress on twitter - so link up and play well out there!

torsdag den 8. oktober 2009

Some news - Team Ace is back

I have just realized that my favorite tournament is back!

A new season of Team Ace is back and I will try to free up time to play these event on Thursdays.

And I just updated a new blog from my good friend Neemos - visit him on www.looserslounge.com.

torsdag den 24. september 2009

Autum is here

Well, "finally" it seems that autum has come to our little part of the world again and gone is the days of sitting outside in the warm glow of the sun enjoying a nice cold one.

As you will know my summer has been blessed with a quite substantial amount of great moment - all in no way related to poker.

Firstly, I had the great pleasure of being married to the most beautifull woman in the world.

Secondly, summer is a period for my new found joy in golf.

Thirdly, the rest of the days were spend buried in work.

So all in all - not many spare minuts to play my most favorite sport.

However, shorter and colder days means more time indors and more time to spend at the tables. I am at the moment trying to plan for the tournaments I want to try to qualify for and will keep you posted on the progess.

I still have my goal set in being a winning player on all the networks I play, and I am slowly but surely (jinx) trying to dig myself out of one of the biggest holes - I will shortly show my progres in that respect.

onsdag den 22. juli 2009


Time is as always short when yoou have a lot to do at work, however I have had time for some small sessions online and I am happy that my downswing seems to have ended.

I only lost the usual amount of times when going in as a 75/25 to 95/5 favorites - but that is part of the game.

I have started a little experiment by playing smaller stakes on one of my accounts, trying to treat that as my total BR - that is both fun and frustrating at the same time!

Futhermore I saw this article about BRM which I would like to share with all of you, it holds a lot of good advice:


TC and play well.

mandag den 13. juli 2009

A new life to this pokerblog and an up-date

The silence has been deafening – I know - but now its time, for this blog to get a new life.

I have decided to switch languages in order for more of my friends and follows to be able to understand my progress.

I hope that you will find this accommodating.

As for the poker, I haven’t really had time to log in for some interesting sessions – work and planning a wedding has taken all my time. However yesterday meant, that I for the first time in 2009 is up for the year.

It took 4 months to dig myself out of the hole I made for myself in the first 3 months of 2009 – but now I look forward.

Until next time – play well and hard and TC.

torsdag den 12. marts 2009

An up-date of the Neteller and Moneybookers affair

Firstly I own everybody a follow up un the unfortunately experiences I had with a cyber break-in on both my Neteller and Moneybookers account.

It turned out that my private e-mail account – where I saved my information was hacked and through that they got login information to my e-wallets.

Even though I reacted pretty quickly they were able to empty both accounts. This was nothing less than a disaster since I just had transferred money from some of my accounts to these in order to withdraw.

However the treatment I got from the two sites were vastly different and the outcome likewise.

Firstly Neteller reacted promptly and very service minded and got the main part of the transfer stopped. After 14 days I had the money back in my account, and even though the couldn’t recoup everything from the transfer I got every cent back.

I can’t stress enough that I were very thankful and happy for that kind of treatment.

The same cannot be said about the people at Moneybookers.

The treated the whole affair very arrogantly and simply referred to their terms but saying they would do nothing about the illegal transfer – even though it was done to one of their own accountholders.

Luckily it was only a very minor amount – but the way the reacted has meant that I will never use them again and I encourage everybody to boycott this company and their services.

tirsdag den 10. februar 2009


Ja, man bliver rystet - men det er i dag gået op for mig, at såvel min Neteller konto som min Moneybookers konto er blevet tømt af cyberkriminelle over weekenden - faktisk i en periode hvor jeg ikke har været logget på nogen af delene.

Hvordan dette er sket har jeg ingen ide om - har lige kørt en virusscan og intet fundet på min computer...

Så nu er næsten hele min BR gået til kriminelle og jeg har ingen i de om hvordan - kan kun opfordre alle til at få ændret passwords hurtigst muligt og set deres konto efter.

Med nedslående hilsner

torsdag den 5. februar 2009

Januar, ferie og Super Bowl

Ja så er januar måned allerede forbi og deter tid til en lille status. Grundet en kæmpe bunke arbejde og ferie i varme Thailand i 17 dage så var der ikke meget tid til poker.

Jeg fik logget et par timer på dog, men det betød dog et mindre tab - men det går i procenter op i et næsten break even - så det er bare op på hesten igen.

Under min ferie fik jeg atter en gang gennemlæst Collin Moshman's "Sit 'N Go Strategy Expert Advice for Beating One-Table Poker Tournaments" og det er altid rart at få set lidt på andres opfattelse af spillet og den bog er (stadigvæk) en af de bedste omkring mit favoritspil SnG.

Jeg nåede lige tilbage fra min ferie til at opleve et af årets højdepunkter på sportskalenderen (udover mine FCK kampe) og det er jo Super Bowl - denne gang atter med mit alle tiders favorithold - The Steelers.

Og hvilken kamp! Atter engang i denne sæson havde jeg en puls på 120 helt til sidste spil. Simpelthen en helt fantastisk medrivende kamp.

For jer der ikke har set det så er der chanchen her:


Det er jo så vildt det der sker til sidst.

Nå, men februar er startet i samme dur som januar - spillede et par steps på stars nu da der åbenbart ikke er nogen friruller til EPT'en i København - men det gik ad HT - ligesom min deltagelse i Ace Mags $5000 freeroll - men det skal nok vende :)

Håber at spillet er med jer derude.

fredag den 2. januar 2009

Nye mål for 2009

Som så mange andre i denne tid har jeg set lidt på de mål der skulle stilles for pokerfronten i 2009. Dette har så betydet en nærmere gennemgang af resultaterne fra 2008 og set lidt på spillet.

I det forgangne år har pokeren været noget i baggrunden, dels grundet arbejde, men også et væld af andre arrangementer. Det samme vil formentligt gøre sig gældende i 2009, hvorfor jeg ikke lige pludselig kan frigøre 30 timer om ugen til pokeren - men det er jo også blot min hobby og en fornøjelse, ved siden af alt det andet.

Når det er sagt, så er det min opfattelse, at man er nødsaget til at sætte sig nogle klare mål - gerne skudt lidt over det realistiske således, at jeg hele tiden holdes til ilden.

Mit primære spil er forsat SnGs og jeg vil i år forsat fokusere på $11/$22 niveauerne, men holder selvfølgelig forsat en streng BRM på hver af de spillede sites. Således vil der blive rykket ned i limit hvis jeg kommer under 50 BI's på et site. Tilsvarende vil jeg rykke op i limits (til tider) så snart jeg har mulighed derfor (over 100 BI's af den tidligere limit).

Dertil kommer jo så de MTT der giver ekstra value (i form af added sæder/freerolls mm) - det har altid givet mig sjov og en masse oplevelser - senest EPT'en i København - noget jeg gerne vil gentage.

Dette er der kommet følgende mål ud af:

1. BR skal forøges med over 50% set over hele året.
2. Der skal forsøges kvalles til (mindst) en stor live event i 2009.
3. Gå i plus på alle spillede sites (inklusive tidligere sites - dog med bonus/rakeback mm.).
4. Være vindende på de nye limits.

Så nu må vi se om dette vil lykkedes - jeg vil jævnligt vende tilbage til disse mål - der er selvfølgelig lagt budgetter og delmål ind over året.

God vind til alle i dette helt nye friske pokerår.